Friday, February 19, 2010


I was looking for a name for my tiny house, and I spoke to my friend Patty about it. I had explained the project to her, and had commented on the fact that a sensible unit of measure kept popping up: the Cubit. Now I don't have any scholarly knowledge of the use or derivation of the cubit; I know that the Ark that Noah built was some number of cubits wide by some cubits long, etc. But I somehow got a notion that a cubit is the length of my arm when I square it, i.e. from my elbow to the tip of my fingers. And it occurred to me that a workspace should be about that deep. So should a seat. I'm about a cubit wide, and I take up about a square cubit of space, and I sit about a cubit off the ground. So I decided that I would explore the cubit through my design. Patty suggested I call my house Cubit, and so I have.

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